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Supplier ID Company Name Contact Name Contact Title Address City Region1 Postal Code Country Phone Fax Home Page    
22 Zaanse Snoepfabriek Dirk Luchte Accounting Manager Verkoop Rijnweg 22 Zaandam 9999 ZZ Netherlands (12345) 1212 (12345) 1210
23 Karkki Oy Anne Heikkonen Product Manager Valtakatu 12 Lappeenranta 53120 Finland (953) 10956
26 Pasta Buttini s.r.l. Giovanni Giudici Order Administrator Via dei Gelsomini, 153 Salerno 84100 Italy (089) 6547665 (089) 6547667
27 Escargots Nouveaux Marie Delamare Sales Manager 22, rue H. Voiron Montceau 71300 France
28 Gai pâturage Eliane Noz Sales Representative Bat. B 3, rue des Alpes Annecy 74000 France
5 Cooperativa de Quesos 'Las Cabras' Antonio del Valle Saavedra Export Administrator Calle del Rosal 4 Oviedo Asturias 33007 Spain (98) 598 76 54
2 New Orleans Cajun Delights Shelley Burke Order Administrator P.O. Box 78934 New Orleans LA 70117 USA (100) 555-4822 #CAJUN.HTM#
19 New England Seafood Cannery Robb Merchant Wholesale Account Agent Order Processing Dept. 2100 Paul Revere Blvd. Boston MA 02134 USA (617) 555-3267 (617) 555-3389
3 Grandma Kelly's Homestead Regina Murphy Sales Representative 707 Oxford Rd. Ann Arbor MI 48104 USA (313) 555-5735 (313) 555-3349
24 G'day, Mate Wendy Mackenzie Sales Representative 170 Prince Edward Parade Hunter's Hill Sydney NSW 2042 Australia (02) 555-5914 (02) 555-4873 G'day Mate (on the World Wide Web)#
16 Bigfoot Breweries Cheryl Saylor Regional Account Rep. 3400 - 8th Avenue Suite 210 Bend OR 97101 USA (503) 555-9931
25 Ma Maison Jean-Guy Lauzon Marketing Manager 2960 Rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada (514) 555-9022
29 Forêts d'érables Chantal Goulet Accounting Manager 148 rue Chasseur Ste-Hyacinthe Québec J2S 7S8 Canada (514) 555-2955 (514) 555-2921
7 Pavlova, Ltd. Ian Devling Marketing Manager 74 Rose St. Moonie Ponds Melbourne Victoria 3058 Australia (03) 444-2343 (03) 444-6588
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